amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Oh geez, bad news bears. I forgot my camera cord in Durango! Wicked pissah.

After talking a friend into driving me back to Durango on Sunday, I made an appearance in my classes on Monday. I was greeted with a make-up mid-term, a psychology test, and a testing and stats test. The chocolate chip cookies that Chellie made me contained extra brain cells, so it was all good. On Tuesday evening I flew into Ontario, CA (not to be confused with Ontario, Canada). Cid, our host house mother had soup, bread, and fresh fruit waiting for us. After polishing that off we fell into bed and awoke to bread pudding (!!!!), eggs, blackberries, and coffee. A leisurely morning, then we headed off to pre-ride the prologue course – a 5k hilly little bugger.

And we raced the bugger today. It was cool and threatening showers all morning, but held off. 3 Webcor in the top 10, so I think we’re leading team GC. Christine was 4th, Alex 5th, and Janel 10th! Chris from Kaenon came out for support. It’s awesome having sponsors who truly are passionate about who they are supporting.

One of the best things about racing in CA this time of the year is the orange trees. I’m turning orange. The grapefruits are ready too, so that’s wonderful. It’s great having the team back together, although we miss Katheryn as she is recovering from collar bone surgery.

Tomorrow is the circuit race…

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.