amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Why walk when I can ride? Riding a bicycle gets me there faster, wherever there may be. It lets my billowing hair blow in the wind, beneath my helmet of course. I have a bell, which gives me the authority of a judge with his mallet. My legs are short so when walking I can never keep up with anyone. But today struck me as a special day. I tied the laces to my walking shoes. I donned my yogi pants which are rolled twice at the bottom like all my other pants. A swing of my arms, and I was walking.

I haven't been riding this weekend because I've been a little bit tired. No complaints there though, I'm enjoying the relaxing weekend. I finished my final final last Wednesday and have been loving the fact that I have nothing to do and I can sleep whenever I please. I walked to the grocery store and bought chocolate covered raisins and apples. Why else would I exert myself to leave the house, other than to go find food? Well, I haven't been hungry because I haven't been doing much for the passed couple days - but for some reason I needed a destination. Nature's Oasis, the local natural food store in Durango happened to be that destination. I couldn't just walk past the Gala apples and the dark chocolate drenched raisins. Along the way I realized I could never do this:I like to keep my feet on the ground, so the thought of hucking myself off a lip of concrete or down an unforgiving rail frightens me. Even on snow it scares the bejesus out of me. However, I noticed two trends: Baggy pants or really tight pants. Being a spandex enthusiast, I think the tight pants are the way to go. More aero for one. But wouldn't baggy pants have the potential to get caught on the rails?

In some ways, Durango is a very scaled down Boulder. There are aspects that I like about both places. But Durango still has charm to it, and I think that is one thing Boulder has lost. All the quaint little historical houses are quickly being replaced with McMansions. Whereas, the neighborhood that I live in, in Durango, is filled with these cutie little homes. Red roof, baby blue siding, white picket fence. I hope Durango can keep its charm.I've come to the conclusion that walking is a good thing. However, it's not something that I'm going to do on a regular basis because it takes far too much out of me. But if I shouldn't be pedaling, walking is equally good at mind clearing. I can swing my arms too, which gives me a renewing sense of being a kid again.

Done with my first semester of college, I will be heading back to Boulder for the summer. I still don't have a car because the people of Farmer's Insurance Agency are a bunch of bullies. So I'll be using my superstar housemate, Mary's cars to drive back on Wednesday. Pretty much my dream car - a Jetta TDI wagon. That's diesel. That's biodiesel. I'm looking forward to coming home to Boulder - and also to seeing my recycled punk little kitten:

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