amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Because none of our race starts are before 2pm, I reckon I'll be doing most of my blogging in the morning.

Friday is an eventful day in Limoux. Just around the corner from our headquarters for the next few days is an insane asylum. Surprisingly that's not where we're staying though. Rebecca informed me that on Fridays they let them out. Apparently last Friday Dave was sitting at the kitchen table with his computer with a "Dopers Suck" sticker on it. A crazy came up to the window and started screaming "Dopers Suck, Dopers Suck!" Also on Fridays is the farmer's market. I cruised on down there and picked up some delish apples, bananas, carrots, and peas. I noticed quite a few people sharing vibrant conversations with themselves.
Today is also eventful because it's the day I am supposed to be reunited with my bags. A race also starts today.

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