amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Today Gina forgot her gloves, Christine forgot her headband, Erinne forgot gels, and I forgot not one, but all two legs.

Let's talk about getting chewed up and spit out.

You know when you're eating corn on the cob and all of a sudden a sneeze is coming on? There's no way to stop it and bits of corn come rocketing out. I was that bit of corn today.

You know how meringues look tasty and satisfying, but when you bite into one it's just air and emptiness? That's how my legs felt when I tried to bite into them today.

What I figure is if you can't solo off the front, might as well make a statement and solo off the back. I was givin' er' in my solo effort today. Right off the bat we were drilling it at 60kmh with a cross tail wind. Already in the first 15k I was yo-yoing off the back until the final pop. There was nothing in the legs or they just weren't there. I wasn't the first one off, so a group of four of us took our turns into the wicked g-nar gnar head and cross winds. It was one of those days where you keep making turns and changing direction but never get a break with a tail wind. Eventually about 60k in we hit the feed zone hill and I got a bit of a second wind and pushed it a little, while the others decided to keep it piano. Unfortunately by the time I rolled through the feedzone our soigneur had already left for the finish so that was a wicked pissah. But that was my fault for my bold attack off the back. For the final 50k I was all by my lonesome battling the wind with my numbchucks and cursing cursing cursing. It was a day that I really questioned my motives behind attempting to race a bicycle. No lie, I was hating my bike, hating the wind, hating my legs and lungs and my back was screaming in pain. But there was something that really wanted to keep pedaling harder because of a need to finish this 10 day parade. For the day I was schitzo as all these little crazed high pitched voices were stabbing each other with very sharp knives. Thankfully I did decide to pedal a little harder on that feed zone hill because the three girls that I was originally with did not make the time cut-off. I finished 90th, 24 minutes behind the winner...the other three finished an additional 6 minutes behind and will not have the honor of suffering like a maggot laden rotting banana peel tomorrow.

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