amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Yesterday was Beth's baby shower. I didn't bring my camera but Beth has provided a valid documentation of the festivities. They had badminton set up, which is my favorite lawn game of all time. It may even contest my love of cycling or of chocolate chip cookies or of sleeping. And I don't mean to brag or boast, but after long and hard hours back home in VT with the birdie (or shuttlecock), I got skillz. I woke up this morning with a very sore racquet arm.

This morning was the Mike Horgan Hill Climb in Boulder. I had thoughts of going up to Vail for the Teva Mtn Games, but was jonesing to stay at home and race in town. After Jeannie Longo dominated the State TT yesterday by a few minutes, she appeared this morning to ravage some more souls. Every year Brian and Margell put on this hill climb, and it switches climbs every year. This year it was up Sugarloaf. As soon as we turned right onto Sugarloaf Rd, Jeannie sprinkled some sugar on me, ate me for breakfast, and spit me out. She had five minutes on the first place loser...that be me. Youch.

In other news, I bought new sheets with 440 thread count. A new comforter and duvet cover are in the mail. I'm still looking to buy a car. Chellie is the best cake maker in Boulder. I have a 650c Zipp dimpled disc wheel for sale. Toys R' Us is sold out of steel Radio Flyer wagons. And, lastly, but not leastly, I will be having buffalo steak for dinner.

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