amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Wednesday, June 25th is the best holiday of the year. It is Bike to Work Day. Unfortunately for me, the festivities only last from 7-9:30am, making for an early morning. Indeed, brother Dan woke me at 6:15am. Much to my surprise it was actually light out at such an early hour. I also figured it would be quite brisk, so I sauntered up from my basement dwelling with a puffy vest and long sleeve on, only to be laughed at. Luckily I knew good coffee and tasty food was imminent, less than 2 miles away at Ideal Market, so I didn't let the wake-up and heckling get to me. The intense working folk - Dan and Nicole hammered on over on their cruisers as I was clinging on to their draft (it seems like this always happens to me, no matter what the ride). We picked up Beth on our way, who is 9 months pregnant, so thankfully this forced them to drop back from zone 10 to zone 1.

We arrived 6 minutes before they were to begin serving, so we formed the line. Good thing we were there early because it is a hot spot stop.

Here's brother Dan, Nicolee, and I chowing down. I stole these pictures from Beth.

Nicole mapped out a 10-stop route around Boulder. Of the stops, Ideal and Dushanbe Tea Room were the best. Great Harvest had good coffee and muffins. I'm still stuffed from it all.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.