amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

For the fourth, Shippey, Tim, Chellie, and I met to drive up to Breckenridge for the Firecracker 50. It's a 50-miler mountain bike race, two laps of 25 miles. John and Tim did it solo and Chellie and I were a team. It starts off with a parade through downtown and climbs for a while on pavement then jeep trail before ducking into the woods. Every year I swear there are more and more people racing because the word is quickly being spread about what a fun race it is and how well run and supported it is. More than anything, it's a perfect way to spend the fourth, to get biker friends from all over CO in one place for a workout and a wicked tasty bbq upon finishing. I guess that's why I will only do the first leg of a team relay - you get to the beef and brownies first! Dan and Nicole had the same thing in mind, though I think the free beer was on their mind.
I avoided crashing, which is somewhat of an aberration for me on a mtn bike. But I was borrowing KB's mountain bike, so I was trying to be a wee bit careful. Thanks!! Chellie and Tim both had a few crashes, but bearing blood always brings you back. Here's a bloody knee, a plate of bbq, chucks, and a compostable fork. Yeah, they had compostables there (some utensils, beer cups, plates, watermelon rinds), but no compost bins. So we buried our rinds and brought the cups home to the compost pile.
This sums up how I felt during and after the race. It was a wicked fun day and we even made it back to Boulder in time for fireworks!

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