amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Sometimes it's the little things that really make life worth living. Or maybe it's just that good little things make traveling easier - like a blow up donut pillow for long flights. Well, our host housing has lots of great big and little things. Like dual shower heads:
Or if that doesn't strike your fancy, how about a plate of chocolate chip cookies and fresh pizza awaiting your arrival from a long day of travel. Sometimes five mini pretzels and a sip of water from the flight attendant just doesn't cut it.
Or when flexing your muscles in anticipation of chopping carrots, onion, and celery for bolognese sauce, you pleasantly discover that your host family has Calphalon knives.

On today's agenda was riding the TT course, which is an out and back. On the way out you have a panoramic view of Mt. Bachelor, the Three Sisters, and Mt. Hood (I think). Good thing we were able to notice it today, because it will be hard to embrace that when we're deep inside the pain cave.

Then we went grocery shopping. Hypothetically speaking, if you were to be in Bend and in need of food and in a shopping center with this store:
Or this store:And they were kitty-cornered to another, which would you choose??
We chose the latter, and this is food for three for five days.
The fridge was empty before we left, and so was this table.

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