amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Late morning on Friday, Alan, Heather, Rory and I loaded up the diesel wagon and made our way toward Salida. Alan was driving like a maniac and I was carsick and turning green for about 2 hours. But we made it without me projectile vomiting all over the black leather. Alan was displeased with my tt bike’s condition so he spent some time working on the headset and changing my wheels while I was getting changed and warmed up. As soon as I hopped on my bike it started raining and the sky was growling. Soon it was lightning and pouring and the black sky was hovering above us. The race promoters began the delays: 10 minutes, then 25 minutes, and finally 35 minutes. It grew wicked cold, so instead of a race for the fastest time trialist, it turned into a least-wimpiest contest to determine who could warm-up, cool down, shiver the least, then red line the best on ice cube muscles. Well, not really, because the fast time trialists were still fast. Megan Hottman took the win, with Susannah Gordon behind her, and I sat in 6th, about 40 seconds behind. Stoked to be finished, I felt like I did at the Portland Gran Prix – freezing and shivering, blue lipped and stripping in the parking lot, without the least bit of worry of my surroundings.

I switched cars and drove with Shippey and Robbie to Shippey’s friend’s house about a half mile from Alpine Park, where we stayed for the weekend. Starving, we sauntered down the road to a burrito shop and snarfed the food as we walked back home. The next day was the Colorado State Championship Road Race. The course is pretty much my favorite road race ever. It’s actually a circuit race that begins with a 7-mile neutral section. You then get officially started on the course, where the Women ½ complete 5 laps. There is a vicious highway section that either has head or cross winds. If you’re alone it will eat you up and spit you out. The course then turns right off the highway through the “arches of hell” and into an undeveloped development. The road kicks up and switch backs for a bit before a 3k false flat stretch to the finish/feed zone. After the feed zone there is a ripping little downhill before spitting you back onto the dreaded highway. The circuit is about 13 miles. As always, a definite selection is made on the first lap. This year was no exception as at the feed zone I found myself with a good group of 4 – Susannah Gordon, Megan Hottman, and Terrie Clouse. We worked well together for about 3 laps. Then Terrie’s stomach turned inside out and she was done for the day. So the three of us worked together until the final lap, when Susannah pushed the pace and Megan fell off. Susannah is tough as nails and I clung to her wheel until about 200 meters and out-sprinted her for the win and the classy CO State jersey.

On Sunday, Robbie, Shippey, and I woke up, chamoised up, and rode down to the Laughing Girls Café. Cannon Lannan and friend, Diana happened upon the same place at the same time. However, the café was not as cheery as the name. The food was delish but the service was slow, grumpy, and intimidating. The coffee didn’t really do it for me either. But really, the food was wicked good. We then ventured on a little spin around town and found a nifty little loop. At 2:45 the boys were off for their criterium festivities and mine began an hour later. I had a pleasant warm-up, and about 15 minutes before our race it started raining hammers and nails and thundering and lightning. Our start was delayed about 15 minutes and the officials decided to shorten it from 50 minutes to 35 minutes. When we finally began it was 35 minutes of the most negative racing I have ever experienced. I still have a stale and sour taste in my mouth from it, so I won’t elaborate in this post. I will say that I do not race to be the first place loser.

The race was very well run considering the weather’s foul mood. Shippey, Robbie, and I drove back to Boulder after my race and saw two rainbows along the way.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.