2009 Blogs
Got back from Oregon about 2 weeks ago. Did some skate skiing and running while I waited for Colorado to warm up. Went on a couple group rides with AP and thoroughly got my ass handed to me after 3 weeks off the bike. Hurts so good. Then I got sick - seems all of Boulder has been bit by this bug. So another 4 or 5 days off the bike and in bed. I got out one day for a hike with Ruby and Chellie on the Homestead Trail out in Eldorado Canyon.

Ruby digs snowballs like I love, um, cookies.
Ruby digs.
I have mostly nursed myself back to health and am enjoying some 58F temps under sunny skies and minimal wind. And no I'm not in California. I'm talkin' this weather in good ol' Boulder baby.
Tim, Chellie, me, and Beth snapping the shot.
Ruby digs snowballs like I love, um, cookies.