amy alison dombroski

2009 Blogs

Stage two was a 125.5km grind of a road race in wicked heat. It was hot. From before the first Hot Spot Sprint, attacks were firing right and left. Unlike the rest of this season, we were in the position to defend, instead of being the aggressors. We covered and covered, and covered again, because it was our race to one was going to help us out.

Again, there were two Hot Spot Sprints which we led Gina out for, but ultimately we were bumped down to third in the sprint competition. The points are tight though, so there's hope still. For the QOM competition, Katheryn and Rebecca did a rockstar job of leading me out, but Alison Powers sprinted passed me, and I took 2nd, still leaving me in the lead for the polka dots...well, tied with Evelyn, but she can't be the queen of everything!

Evelyn rode like a rockstar with the assistance of Rebecca and Erinne, ultimately putting in a massive attack to take the stage win and further her overall lead.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.