amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

It's up, check it if you dare.

I'm finally settling into one place. Last October I moved out of our townhome and into Nicole's condo, to give the newlyweds some space. In January I packed it all up and dispersed furniture and kitchen stuff at Heather and Alan's, and other random stuff at the townhome. I moved a carload of all I needed most with me to Durango, and was there until the semester ended in April. In this time, Dan and Nicole were working on finishing off the basement, so we could all live together in a big happy family, with kitzahs Sammy and Burkie. Like all construction projects, it took longer than anticipated. So I moved with my carload of belongings into Chellie and Tim's house for the month of May. Now it's June 3rd and I'm all moved into the basement of the townhome. Well I'm moved, but not exactly in.

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