amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

After Nature Valley I flew to San Francisco where I stayed with the Thorbhuangs in Sunnyvale. Ted, Christine, and Katheryn took me on some nice recovery rides and we ate real well. Two dinners a night is good living. It was a perfect post-race week filled with fun and relaxation.

Then Bev and I drove up to her cabin on Lake Tahoe. Tour de Nez had their inaugural women's race. The race has been running for 16 years for men, and the sweetheart of a promotor, Tim Healion, added a day for the women. Unfortunately the turn out was pretty slim; but hopefully next year it will turn into a multi-day race with more more more women.

We arrived in Tahoe two days before the race. The altitude was kicking my arse. We went on a couple gobsmackingly gorgeous rides around the lake. Here's Bev, Karryn (a piece of Bev's Aussie clan), and me at Emerald Bay.
Here's Sunnyside Bay, along the way.

Later we went out on Bev and Chris' new boat. The water was crystal clear and blue.
Who's in charge?
Living it. Loving it. This is good because on race day I was definitely not loving it. Rough day in the office.

The cabin in the middle is soon to be Bev and Chris' new cabin on the lake.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.