amy alison dombroski

2009 Blogs

I didn't get a very grand tour of Montreal after pulling out of the second stage. During the mayhem of the first stage I felt an odd twinge in my knee; the patella of my knifed right knee. I have had this pain before and it is usually a spark of pain which I quickly forget about. The next day, stage 2 began at 5pm. A few laps into the circuit race, Webcor started to get aggressive. I was at the front with teammates, Katheryn and Erinne. Katheryn put in a big attack that got a bit of a gap, but Cervelo was quick to pounce on. As the field was strung out, Erinne put in a monster solo attack, quickly gaining distance and serving as a carrot for the hungry field. Strung out like a runway model, the bunch put their heads down and gritted their teeth until she was in striking distance. Then it was my turn and I jumped, but was thrown back on my saddle with a knife in my knee. My "attack" turned into a much-to-be-desired puny surge. Somewhat embarrassed I slunk back into the field and rode around a couple more circuits. With every surge in the field I attempted to stand out of my saddle, only to feel the knee again. Knowing that more important races are down the road, I pulled out of stage 2.

Fortunately my dad came up again...surprise!!! This time I wasn't able to race well for him, but it gave me a chance to come home to VT for a couple days, before the team picks me up on Friday morning for the Philadelphia Liberty Classic. While it never bodes well for the morale to not finish a race, and to pull out of a team effort, I know it was smart to ease off. There is some pain that is good to push through, and there is some pain that will push you deep inside the hurt box if you don't listen to the first signs. Plus, I love Jericho - it's a slower pace of life, always relaxing, and a healthy break. The rejuventaion I am already feeling is better than any I could receive from a massage or spa or the like.

The girls had a good time trial at the Tour yesterday morning, with Alex finishing 8th, putting her in 9th on GC. Erinne was 12th and is now 13th on GC. Alex also picked up some time in a time bonus sprint in the crit that evening. In the staff race, Dave took the hole shot and held the lead at 32mph for the first lap. Karen then countered this, getting in a break with 4 other men. I am still awaiting the final results of the enthralling race.

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