amy alison dombroski

2009 Blogs

I was walking on Orr Rd when I came upon a partridge on the left hand side of the road. Apparently scared of me, the giant ogre that I am, it jetted across the road. Good ol' VT I thought. I kept walking, and saw about 5 little baby partridges scampering in chaos. Good ol' VT I thought. Then I heard hissing behind me. I peered behind me to see the puffed up momma partridge coming straight at me! She looked fierce and her beak looked sharp. Scared of being pecked to death, I sprinted away as hard as I could. A woman a few meters away was mowing her lawn and looked at me like I was nuts, coming straight at her, full-board. I escaped unscathed, although my recovery walk turned into a threshold interval. It was also a good testament to my knee - I'm ready for Philly! But, dang good ol' Vermont.

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