amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Slept like a champion last night in my XL Skyteam courtesy t-shirt. Woke to coffee and Euro muesli which my teammates graciously offered me. Went for a little team time trial practice. Good rotation - the team is working well together. Went to buy pants with no avail because nothing ever fits. Then we had team presentations. Then dinner.

Still no bags, and I was feeling pretty bummed out before presentations because the agent I talked to was real unfriendly. "We don't know where your bags are. Call back tomorrow." Click. Sweet. Shizm. So I called back after dinner and talked to someone much friendlier...and with better news. They're arriving in Toulouse tomorrow at noon. So, unfortunately I won't have my TT bike for the prologue, but clean undies will be waiting for me when we return! 3900 meter prologue tomorrow...bowchicabowwow.

I'm out for a rub, then beddy-buh-bye.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.