amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

I made it to Toulouse, but my bags did not. It's ok - not a lot of important stuff in them or anything. The airline gave me a little travel kit, equipped with an XL t-shirt, or night gown. However, this is kinda cool - I can spend 100 euro on clothing and they will reimburse me. So, providing the bags aren't wicked lost, it could be an ok dealio. Dave picked Karen and I up at the Toulouse Aeroport, then we drove an hour or so to Limoux, where we will be based for the next five days.
Luckily the girls haven't broken any bikes here in euroland, so I was able to ride the spare 48. Karen and I went on an easy little spin for a couple hours.
Through wine country. Everywhere, everywhere.
And passed this place. I think the name, Aimery, is a cross between winery and my name.
Lotsa crops.
My eyes want to close. It's off to bed for me.

Copyright © 2012 Amy Dombroski. All Rights Reserved.