amy alison dombroski

2008 Blogs

Stole some pictures from Double D's magnificent picasa site because at Redlands I was lazy with the camera. Defined as the best mechanic ever, Dave's always there with the correct tool in his right hand, a camera in his left, and a beer balancing on his head of knowledge.
There's Dave, and the load of bike stuff he drove with. It's a wonder he made it as he couldn't see out of the windows.Dave's mastery.
Warming up for the prologue. Bev and I were first off. Bev on the right - always stylish.Super Soigneurs - Jono for Tibco (although his heart is green), and Avery, and...duckie?One of the team cars with the new wrap job. If you can see it, there is faux grass on the roof. Now that's green.The fleet rides home.Another broken collarbone. Doctor Thorburn examines Janel's xrays. Karen is getting to know the emergency rooms all too well.The key to the final day, a 110km road race is a good and long warm-up, because the neutral zone is wicked fast man.Avery works on Mooch's legs. One...more...race.

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